Saturday, November 16, 2019

November 2019 Business Meeting Minutes

Barony of Darkwater Business and Officer Meeting - November 7, 2019
Fashion Square Mall Community Room

Officers in Attendance:
Lady Ursula Blackpool - Chronicler
Lord Kylan Hundr - Constable
HL Hextilda Marshall - Seneschal Baron Gavine Armestrang - Deputy Herald
Mistress Ilene Johnnestoune- Deputy Seneschal - Social Media Liason
Lord Thomas von Wildtstein - Webmaster
Baron James Highgate - Baron
Baroness Calpurnia Fortunata - Art Sci (Research and Projects)
Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol - Exchequer
Mistress Milesenda de Bourges - Baroness
Lady Margarita di Rossi - Chatelaine
Officers Not in Attendance:
HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi - Archery Marshal
Baron Bil - Quartermaster
Chamberlain - HL Hadassah bat Josef
Librarian - HL Gareth Dalyngrige
Rapier Marshal - Master Clothar Bructerus
Knight’s Marshal - HL Hywel ap Wyn
HL Ephrem Orbeli - Herald

  1. Call to order - Baron Gavine Armestrang - Deputy Herald
  2. Greeting by Seneschal -  HL Hextilda Marshall
    1. SCA local chapter description
  3. Confirm Minutes Approved Offline
    1. Motion to wave the reading of last month’s minutes by Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
    2. Seconded to pass by Baroness Calpurnia Fortunata
    3. Vote passed
  4. Officers reports.
    1. Seneschal (President) HL Hextilda Marshall
      1. Village Fair: We do not owe additional fees for the event.
      2. Revisiting the financial policy. Do we have any questions? Do we need to reopen the vote?
        1. Mistress Ilene Johnnestoune- Deputy Seneschal
          1. Section 1E - Yahoo groups are being removed soon.
            1. Can we move it to Facebook
              1. At last update of financial policy, Society said that we could not have the forum as FB.
              2. This needs to be addressed at a higher level - or we need to change our wording to Officer Email Group. We need to remove the wording about the officer’s list on Yahoo.
              3. We would like to make a motion to remove the wording in section 1E about the officer’s list on Yahoo from the financial policy.
                1. Seconded by Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
                2. Vote passed
          2. Section 2C - Why does the Exchequer need the information above and beyond the name and office?
            1. Motion - Edit Section 2C to make the information for the Chronicler and Webminister to only have pertinent information, but keep Seneschal and ExChequer information the same.
            2. Seconded by Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
          3. Section 2E - Are we allowed to reimburse mileage for covered expenses?
            1. Yes, as of recently.
          4. Section 3D - Comps for Baronial Officers
            1. As currently stated, if an officer is working at the event, they should be comped. But this should be reworded that officers that are working the entire/or a greater portion of the event should be comped.
              1. Motion to reword Section 3D to be stated that an officer can be comped site fees on a case by case basis as approved by the Baronial Financial Committee.
              2. Seconded by Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
              3. Vote Passed
              4. Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol - Exchequer - abstained
          5. Overall change of any reference of the Hospitaller to Chatelaine.
          6. Section 3F - Comping the quartermaster for events when bringing in the Baronial Trailer. Can this be changed so that we are not reimbursing both mileage and comping the site fee.
            1. Motion to change Section 3F wording for quartermaster to not be charged site fee or may be reimbursed mileage at the discretion of the quartermaster or their representative.
              1. Seconded by Mistress Milesenda de Bourges
              2. Vote passed.
          7. Section 3KI - Change wording to children 17 and younger shall not be charged site fees. (update wording/ not a vote required change)
          8. 5E4 - Re-absorbing the funds of the canton when not used.
            1. This has been confirmed and is correct.
          9. Final motion to approve all changes and submit the final financial policy.
            1. Seconded by Mistress Milesenda de Bourges
            2. Vote passed
      3. Insurance
        1. We have been having some problems with getting the insurance payments/coverage done in an expedited in a timely manner.
          1. Can we change this so it is a phone call not a mailed thing.
            1. Hextilda offers to have someone pay this and get it reimbursed at a later time.
              1. Motion to have the insurance payment done via phone and then have the person that paid get reimbursed at a later time.
              2. Seconded Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
              3. Vote passed
      4. We have two bids for Gathering of the Clans. Hwyl/ Ian and Mistress Catherine. Here are the  proposals. We still need bids on Village Fair for next year. Trident is taken care of.
        1. Catherine Abernethy Bid - Gathering at the Tavern
          1. List of activities and games
          2. Bardic throughout event
          3. Bardic challenge
          4. Feast Meat and Potatoes
          5. Thieves Guild and Trader’s Corner
          6. Bar Wench Beauty Contest/Dancing after feast
        2. Hywel ap Wyn - The Clans of Shakespeare
          1. Mischievous elves, intrigue, etc.
          2. Life and times of Shakespeare
          3. Plays throughout the days for kids to learn the lines
            1. Will perform at feast (Children)
          4. Bardic circles
          5. Each feast course is centered around a Shakespearan writings.
          6. Shakespeare lyst field
        3. We need to vote for the event that we would like to do:
          1. Votes in favor of Gathering at the Tavern - 5
          2. Votes in favor of The Clans of Shakespeare - 2
          3. Winner of the event is Gathering at the Tavern
          4. Looking to put in Loch Griffin’s bid to Village Faire
      5. Trailor: we have been politely asked to stop using Baron Bill’s trailer. We voted on a new trailer a year ago and still not bought one. There is a proposal that we rent U-Hauls. Do we still want to buy a trailer.
        1. Motion on the floor to have Hextilda, Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol, and Gavine work together to purchase a trailer before the end of the 2019 year.
          1. Seconded by Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
          2. Vote passed
    2. Exchequer (Treasurer) Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol
      1.  The below funds will expire and be returned to the general funds, as they have not been used.
        1. Craft Guild 90.00 dollars 
        2. Fiber Arts Guild and herbalism guild 90.00 dollars each 
        3. Coronet repair fund - 331.00 dollars.
      2. Village Fair 2019 awaiting reconciliation by epay.
        1. Net gain is 2400.
      3. Exchequer needs to have 60 dollars to enough in the office to purchase the forms for events.
        1. Seconded by Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
        2. Vote passed
      4. Budget will be voted on in December
    3. Chatelaine (Retention and Recruitment) - Lady Margarita di Rossi
      1.  Chamberlain Margarita (Retention and Recruitment)
        1. Lady of the Lakes: Please come help and take down
    4. Motion by Seneschal to pass the remaining officer notes to be able to allow guest speakers to have the floor.
      1. Seconded by Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
      2. Vote passed
      3. (Officer listing removed from the minutes/agenda)
    5. Baron and Baroness: Mistress Milesenda de Bourges and Baron James Highgate
  5. Upcoming Events
  6. General Business:
    1. Orlando Renaissance Faire
      1. AJ - The trouble that was had last time, has been taken care of. We came to you last January and talked to the Barony about coming back to the ORF.  We had a few changes in leadership and would like to, even at this moment, come back to ask you to be represented at the fair.
        1. The event is the first full weekend in December - 6-8
        2. They are working on getting a better reception for education day and for the event as a whole.
        3. Could be as small as one 10x10 or as much as 3 10x10
        4. We really want to build and grow the festival and would love to make the relationship between the ORF and SCA better.
        5. Could this be a “guild day” event - All arts come together to work on art at the event.
        6. We can comp parking and entry fees with a showing of the card. Or we can create a list for this.
        7. Event steward - In charge of the event - Lady Margarita di Rossi
        8. 2 days shades - 16x16 and 12x12
        9. Free to park and entry
        10. Motion to have a Darkwater Guild Day presence at the Orlando Renaissance Festival the weekend of December 6-8
          1. Seconded by Baron James Highgate
          2. Vote passed
    2.  We have said no at this time for the Black Knights and the Boy Scout events
  7. Upcoming events-
    1.   Trident Tourney -  We need classes for the event. See the autocrat if you would like to teach.
  8. Guilds - Scribal has been cancelled for December but Fiber has more to come.
  9. Announcements From the Populous  
    1. If you are coming to Moot, please consider helping clean up at end of event.
    2. Lana and James will not be at Lady of the Lakes on Saturday, but will be there Sunday.
  10. Adjournment
    1. Next Meeting December 5, 2019
  11. Meeting Closed - HL Ephrem Orbeli

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