Monday, February 22, 2021

Help Wanted

Following are open positions within the Barony, as of February 2021.


Officer Position: Deputy Herald

We are looking for a Deputy Herald for the barony.
Term: 2 years


  • Must complete Kingdom herald warranting.
  • Must have reliable internet access.
  • Are a paid member of the SCA.


  • Attending the Darkwater officer and populace business meetings.
  • Assisting populace members with submitting heraldic items
  • Acting as a voice herald for the Coronets of Darkwater.
  • Teaching heraldic classes as needed.
  • Reporting quarterly to Kingdom and court reports as needed.

Contact: Baron Gavine Armestrang - Baronial Herald -

Officer Meeting Minutes February 2021

Barony of Darkwater Officer Meeting - February 1, 2021

Zoom meeting online

Officers in Attendance:
Lady Ursula Blackpool - Constable
Lady Leane Meyrick - Chronicler
Mistress Ilene Johnnestoune- Deputy Seneschal - Social Media Liason
HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi - Archery Marshal
HL Thomas von Wildtstein - Webmaster
HL Taran Saraev - Art Sci (Research and Projects)
HL Hadassah bat Josef - Chamberlain
Baron James Highgate - Baron
Vivienne or HL Hywel ap Wyn - Knight’s Marshal
Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol - Exchequer
Ilona of Darkwater Exchequer Deputy
Lady Margarita di Rossi - Chatelaine
Baroness Milesenda de Bourges - Baroness

Officers Not in Attendance:
HL Hextilda Marshall - Seneschal
Baron Gavine Armestrang - Herald
Master Clothar Bructerus - Rapier Marshal
HL Gareth Dalyngrige - Librarian
HL David Archer - Quartermaster

Mistress Christine Chabrier, OL- Seneschal of the Canton of Loch Gryffyn

  1. Call to order - Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune - Herald
  2. Greeting by Seneschal - Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune - Deputy Seneschal
  3. Confirm Minutes Approved Offline
    1. Motion to approve the minutes: Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune
    2. Seconded by: Baron James Highgate
    3. Motion passed
  4. Officers reports.
    1. Seneschal (President) Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune - Deputy
      1. Hextilda has classes and will be unable to attend on Mondays
      2. We had said we were going to revisit the subject of in person meetings at the mall every month. Up until this point the consensus has been that there is no financial sense in paying for the small room when we can only have probably about six people in there, especially when we're not able to do events to have income coming in. I would like to propose and Hextilda’s in agreement on this, that we table any discussion of in person meetings at a mall until the kingdom changes our wave status. When the status changes and we're allowed to have more people in an indoor space, then it is worth revisiting that question to see if it’s financially feasible. Is everybody okay with saying we're going to table that?
        1. Leane - Are we going to need a motion for that? I thought tables had to have a motion and a second.
        2. Ilene - If somebody knows the rules better than I do, by all means chime in but my understanding is, only if it’s a financial question.
        3. Ursula - Technically, Sam made a motion and in chat Thomas seconded the motion.
        4. Ilene - Is there anyone who objects to that concept?
        5. Motion by Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune to table mall meetings until there is a favorable change in status.
          1. Second by Thomas in chat
          2. approved to table
      3. Because our state regulations are wide open and wave one allows for a group activity up to 50 people, if an individual wants to organize an outside function, such as a class, a stitch and bitch picnic, something like that, they are welcome to organize it themselves. They are welcome to advertise it on the group's page but the Barony itself would not sponsor any of those activities, but we're not going to prohibit them. It is within the state guidelines and it is within the kingdom guidelines.That is what Hextilda and I suggest. Does anybody have any thoughts on that?
        1. Gravin Eva - From the Exchequer point of view, if the Barony is not sponsoring it, it is not covered by the insurance.
        2. Ilene - That is something to consider. If we said that Lady Jane Doe is going to do a stitch and bitch for Magnolia park on this day and the Barony of Darkwater has no problem with that, would it then fall under our insurance coverage? I’m wondering where we hit that fighter practice level.
        3. Gravin Eva - To fall under the insurance, it has to be something that the Barony is sponsoring, announcing in their newsletter, and on their other platforms. Gotcha. If someone posted to Darkwater Populace, hey I'm having a party, needs help, or a get together, that's not the Barony sponsoring it. That's not the Bernie's sponsoring it,
        4. LeAnn - Does that get a little muddy? We weren't allowing the fighters to post practices on the Barony page.
        5. Toki - Unless they were sponsored.
        6. Ilene - Part of the reason we were not initially allowing fighter practice to be announced was because we had specifically said that fighter practices could not happen. During that time frame, allowing somebody to announce a fighter practice was going against what was announced. Now that it has been, anybody who's holding unofficial practices is allowed to post that.
        7. Viviene - You guys did allow cross posting of other people's practices to our page. Just not our own.
        8. Ilene - My thought would be that unsponsored is probably still a better option. We're not taking any responsibility for it.
        9. Carmen - That sounds fine except that if people who show up for the stitch and bitch or something like that, if one of them got COVID in there with a fighter, then that person goes not knowing they have it, then the sponsored fighter event ends up being something. There's no way to stop that but the more we limit it, the better off it is for everybody else. It ends up being a really big gray area. It's completely wrong to say the fighters have to go through these 3 million steps but anybody else can just meet do whatever they want and we're not going to keep track of it, then the poor fighters have a problem that they didn't have anything to do with.
        10. Ilene - That's very fair. We could say that if somebody wants to organize something like that, they need to bring the details to an officer meeting. The officers need to approve they have a clear plan in place, they need to have a waiver that gets signed by everybody who attends, and they basically have to follow the same basic structures that the fighters do. They have to have their masks on, they have to have sanitizer present, etc. and they have to do it far enough out that we can advertise it on Facebook and put it on the calendar. I would think that would be sufficient.
        11. Motion by Ilene: I will make a motion that we allow members of the populace to organize out outdoor, in person get togethers of a non event, non fighter practice type. I will write up guidelines for how they need to be run and keep it with the same basic requirements as the fighters. Then we will publish that they will be required to attend an officer's meeting or send a representative in advance so that we can advertise it at least a month prior.
          1. Second Taran
          2. Approved non opposed
      4. Cathy would prefer to hold her bid for an in person event. We agreed that bid would then be held until our first in person event. We needed a bid for clans to be virtual to follow the board's mandate prohibiting events. We have a bid from Maxwell McDougal and Hadassah as co-crat and are here to discuss their bid.
        1. Maxwell and Hadassah -
          1. Theme - The clans will gather physically distant but emotionally close.
          2. Being a virtual event but also try for more camaraderie based. One of the things that we came up with was having a feast lunch with everybody. We're looking for classes right now.
          3. Q&A format/Demo classes - six to twelve with two per hour
          4. Court in the afternoon.
        2. Motion by Thomas to accept the bid in chat
          1. Second by James
          2. Approved
    2. Constable - Lady Ursula Blackpool
      1. Nothing to report
    3. Exchequer (Treasure) Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol
      1. First, I want to thank all of you and everyone in the Barony for a wonderful five years and I want you all to welcome my successor, Ilona of Darkwater, who has graciously agreed to take over We're in the transition period and at this point, talk to both of us and we will have the answer.
      2. Annual report from 2020, the Barony had a deficit of $5,000 from officers spending their budgets and dedicated funds, which is a good thing. Most of it was that we have a storage unit and a trailer parking space which therefore means all of our stuff has been secured for a year behind fences and with insurance, which is a better thing.
      3. It would be nice if we could figure out some way to receive contributions but this is not the time for that.The t-shirt fundraiser has been on hold for a year. If you would like your shirt and are willing for pay for shipping we can get them sent to you.
      4. We need to transition signatures on the bank accounts. Before we go through that I wanted to make sure we all agree, who is going to be on the bank account. Obviously, my successor, I will be her drop dead deputy until further notice, kingdom exchequer, David Hoffman as quartermaster, Ilene for seneschal and Hextilda until she has a deputy (Ilene asked if James was interested), Carmen as constable… need to make an appointment to go in together.
    4. Quartermaster - David Archer
      1. Nothing to report
    5. Art Sci (Research and Projects) - HL Taran Saraev
      1. Calendar - If anyone is interested in teaching please reach out and I'll be happy to schedule you.
        1. February 4 Business Meeting
        2. February 11 How to Set Up An Art-Sci Project Pt 1. by Mistress Alysoun Jeuneterre, OP OL
        3. February 18 Cordials by Mistress Catherine Abernethy, OL
        4. February 25 Before There Were Stars - Cooperative Game from Ilona of Darkwater
        5. March 4 Business Meeting
        6. March 11 How to Set Up An Art-Sci Project Pt 2. by Mistress Alysoun Jeuneterre, OP OL
        7. March 18 TBA
        8. March 25 TBA
      2. Resource of the Month "Renaissance Meteorology: Pomponazzi to Descartes” by Craig Martin. I will be osting it on Thursday. It is a fancy little book that talks about how people in the Renaissance viewed wind, fire, earthquakes, storms and rain, and how those understandings led to the modern understandings of weather we have today.
      3. We haven’t heard anything on Kingdom Winter ArtSci or TRU
    6. Herald - Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune
      1. Gavin is at the one year point in his tenure and that means it is time for him to advertise for a successor deputy. I know you (Keith) had mentioned interest and yes, Gavin is aware of that. But in order to make sure that it is transparent and open for everybody, it has to be advertised totally appropriately and that should start happening before too long.
    7. Chatelaine (Retention and Recruitment) - Lady Margarita di Rossi
      1. Nothing to report
      2. A couple emails but mainly looking for in person events
    8. Marshal (Referee) - HL Vivienne
      1. Multiple practices have been rained out this month. Only around 13 people attended. We had to remind someone to wear a mask but it was not a problem. I have no changes in any sort of proposal, moving forward.
    9. Rapier Marshal -Master Clothar Bructerus
      1. Nothing to report
    10. Archery Marshal - HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi
      1. Bennet will be taking that mantle on and we'll coordinate a day to get the loaner equipment transferred. The ARC are open but I am not comfortable myself nor is Bennett with holding practices. Once we start to get closer to being in person, we'll start doing practices again.
    11. Thrown Weapons Marshal - No current Marshall
    12. Webmaster - Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
      1. Designing the new website
      2. Working on the new website and moving everything over from the old website. We now have the zoom calendar. I need updates from everybody and I'm going to send over to the chronicler, the IP address because I don't control the DNS. I'm not going to have them switch this over until everything is done and updated properly. I'm just trying to get all of our blocks of information in place, because WordPress is not like our original site and it's not like Google Sites. It is optimized for the phone also.
      3. I'm starting to communicate with Taryn on the guilds. Because we don't have anything for the guilds and we haven't for a long time, if they want to gather some of their projects and come up with a nice banner image, we can add that, or if somebody wants to do scribal a nice banner for each one of our guilds, we can do that too. Once everything is in place, I can actually assign editor, contributor, and author roles, so other people can actually add things to the site and editors that approve things.
      4. Ilene - This would be the time to review your office. Look at what is on the current website and verify if it has the correct deputies listed and your correct information is listed. This is the time to make all those changes. If you would like your page for your office to look differently and content is something that you can suggest. It’s not the web manager’s responsibility to generate content out of thin air. Thomas, I have some ideas about the guilds to maybe streamline things there a little bit. Email the webminister with your changes and ideas.
      5. As long as it's a nonprofit organization and we're not selling anything on the site, we have it completely for free. This is one of the perks of working for a web hosting company by the name of Atlantic.
      6. If anybody wants to design new off office badges, we're using the kingdom's office badges. If you decide you'd like to design one for each page, that would be great.
    13. Social Media - Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune
      1. Everything is status quo.
    14. Chronicler - Lady Leane Meyrick
      1. I am still trying to get a date set down with Gareth to get the historian supplies from him. So I have nothing to report
  5. Baron and Baroness: Mistress Milesenda de Bourges and Baron James Highgate
    1. Ilene - I would like to make a point to say thank you and offer highest regards and esteems to our Baron and Baroness. This is their last time being at an officer meeting as our coronets and they have served with distinction.
    2. We have no business. We have absolute faith in you. (Toki and Thyri) I hope your tenure is boring and full of awards and none of this bullshit. We wouldn’t have changed a moment of it. Much of the best parts of this job had been the things that we've been able to do for the Barony and for it’s populace. Just knowing that you guys have that faith in us. meant an awful lot and now we get to have that faith in our incoming coronets.
  6. Viscor and Viscoress -HL Toki and Lady Thyri
    1. Thank you both for the last four years and for being inspirational. Thank you. Ilene and Gavin for the four years previous. You are all the inspiration that continues and inspires the next four years. We’re excited to offer the best of ourselves and do the work needed to be the best we can for the Barony.
  7. Cantons
    1. Loch Gryffyn - Mistress Christine Chabrier, OL - Seneschal
      1. Nothing to report
    2. Swampkeype - Lady Margarita di Rossi - Seneschal
      1. Crafting/Social/Scribal 28th
      2. Monthly meeting TBA - 22nd We are looking for a teacher. Please join us by Zoom.
    3. Seminole County SCA group - Cathy Abernathy
      1. No activity
  8. Guilds
    1. Scribal - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges
      1. No report
    2. Brewer’s Guild - Cathy Abernathy
      1. No report
    3. Fiber Arts - Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune
      1. No report
    4. Lampworkers Guild - Lady Thyri Bersi
      1. No report
    5. Dyers Guild - LeAnn Meyrick
      1. No report
    6. Performance/Bardic Guild - ?
      1. No report
    7. Cooking Guild - Lady Margarita di Rossi
      1. No report
    8. Costuming Guild - ?
      1. No report
    9. Herbal - Lady Rahil bint Haroun
      1. No report
    10. Craftsman - ?
      1. No report
    11. Defense - ?
      1. No report
  9. Upcoming Events
    1. Trident Tourney - We have three weekends until the event, February 19-20. We have been promoting classes, bardic, games, pun off competition for Lord or Lady of Foolishness, Heather Dale, pie competition, and raffle baskets.
      1. Ilene - Southkeep has a zoom we could ask to use
  10. Announcements From the Populous
    1. No announcements
  11. Adjournment
  12. Next Officer Meeting is on Zoom on March 1st
  13. There is a business meeting on February 4th
  14. Next Business Meeting is on March 4th.
  15. Meeting Closed - Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune