Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Officer Meeting Minutes June 2020

Barony of Darkwater Officer Meeting -June 1, 2020
Zoom meeting online

Officers NOT in Attendance:
HL Calpurnia Fortunata - Art Sci (Research and Projects)
Lady Margarita di Rossi - Chatelaine
Master Clothar Bructerus - Rapier Marshal
HL Gareth Dalyngrige - Librarian

Officers in Attendance:
Lady Ursula Blackpool - Chronicler
Lord Kylan Hundr - Constable
Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol - Exchequer
HL Hextilda Marshall - Seneschal
Lord Thomas von Wildtstein - Webmaster
HL Hywel ap Wyn - Knight’s Marshal
Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune- Deputy Seneschal - Social Media Liason
Baron Gavine Armestrang - Herald
HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi - Archery Marshal
HL David Archer - Quartermaster
Baroness Milesenda de Bourges - Baroness
HL Hadassah bat Josef - Chamberlain
Baron James Highgate - Baron
HRH Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara

  1. Call to order - Baron Gavine Armestrang - Herald
  2. Greeting by Seneschal - HL Hextilda Marshall
    1. SCA local chapter description
  3. Confirm Minutes Approved Offline
    1. Motion to approve the minutes: HL Hywel ap Wyn
    2. Seconded by: Lord Kylan Hundr
    3. Motion passed
  4. Officers reports.
    1. Seneschal (President) HL Hextilda Marshall
      1. Polling -
        1. Everyone should have gotten their forms and it should be turned in to Kingdom by now
        2. We don’t have a date for the final decision at this time.
      2. Called Kingdom Seneschal to see about openings?
        1. Until the state of FL opens up to more than 10 in group gatherings, we will NOT be gathering.
        2. We are still online only!
    2. Constable - Lord Kylan Hundr
      1. No report
    3. Exchequer (Treasure) Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol
      1. Our tax exempt status is now on Zoom
      2. Eva would like to use the Zoom account on Monday, June 15th from 7-9
        1. Registration orientation class / limit to 5.
          1. Reserved!
          2. Officers first to get in and then add any that want it on top of them.
        2. Ilene has a calendar for our Zoom account now when you need to set up a meeting see her.
      3. Trident -
        1. We 2105 dollar check has been put in from the event.
        2. Most receipts taken care of/in
        3. Trident broke even
      4. June and we need to write checks and we need to get them signed:
        1. Storage locker as one example
        2. Ilene will meet with her to sign checks
        3. Reimbursements - Can we also get them signed at this time.
          1. Will be signed on the above date.
      5. Should we get the insurance for Village Faire?
        1. Yes, we are thinking it will be happening. They are trying to get opened up by August for a Fall Coronation event.
    4. Quartermaster - David Archer
      1. No longer the acting Quartermaster! :)
    5. Art Sci (Research and Projects) -HL Calpurnia Fortunata (Not in attendance)
      1. No Report
    6. Herald - Baron Gavine Armestrang
      1. A lot of heraldic submissions have been done and are on their way to Kingdom!
    7. Chatelaine (Retention and Recruitment) - Lady Margarita di Rossi (Not in Attendance)
      1. No Report
    8. Marshal (Referee) - HL Hywel ap Wyn
      1. No Report
    9. Rapier Marshal -Master Clothar Bructerus (Not in attendance)
      1. No Report
    10. Archery Marshal - HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi
      1. Will provide a link to an archery competition that will be going on society wide
        1. You can see the information on the facebook pages
    11. Thrown Weapons Marshal - No current Marshall (Not in attendance)
      1. No Report
    12. Webmaster - Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
      1. Check the site for issues
    13. Public Relations - Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune
      1. The Zoom account is set up for meetings.
        1. See the Hextilda, Ilene, or Calpurnia if you have any questions.
    14. Chronicler - Lady Ursula Blackpool
      1. All paperwork sent to the King/Queen to look at for candidates for the baronial offices.
  5. HRH Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara
    1. So happy to see everyone meeting together and talking to everyone.
    2. We are planning a meeting this Wednesday, as long as we can work that out with current issues in the state.
      1. The Baron and Baroness, Officers, and nominees should hear about this first and it should happen sooner than later so that people can plan/etc.
      2. Gravin Eva would like to know how many letters were received by the Kingdom so she can see what they got in.
        1. The Queen had received 55 envelopes as of last Friday.
      3. Send any questions you would like Islay to ask at their meeting.
    3. Are there safety food guidelines in place and can we work on training for this before the next event?
      1. Nothing has come down officially yet.
      2. Baron Gavine Armstrang - There has been a servsafe class taught at other events within the Kingdom, but it isn’t required to be done.
        1. This does cost per person, but Baron Gavine Armstrang is going to look into the training and costs.
  6. Baron and Baroness: Mistress Milesenda de Bourges and Baron James Highgate
    1. We are trying to make it online for Thursday classes, but life is keeping them from making it.
    2. Stay safe and know we miss you all!
    3. We are looking forward to Village Faire and are waiting to hear what happens with that event in terms of how we can spend it.
  7. Cantons
    1. Loch Griffin - HL Hywel ap Wyn
      1. No Report
    2. Swamp Keep - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges and Baron James Highgate
      1. No Report
    3. Seminole County SCA group - Cathy Abernathy
      1. No Report
  8. Guilds
    1. Scribal - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges
      1. No report
    2. Brewer’s Guild - Cathy Abernathy
      1. No report
    3. Fiber Arts - Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune
      1. No report
    4. Lampworkers Guild - Lady Thyri Bersi
      1. No report
    5. Dyers Guild - LeAnn Meyrick
      1. No report
    6. Performance/Bardic Guild - ?
      1. No report
    7. Cooking Guild - Lady Margarita di Rossi
      1. No report
    8. Costuming Guild - ?
      1. No report
    9. Herbal - Lady Rahil bint Haroun
      1. No report
    10. Craftsman - ?
      1. No report
    11. Defense - ?
      1. No report
  9. Upcoming Events
    1. Workshops
      1. No Report
    2. No Events to report on at this time
  10. Announcements From the Populous
    1. Not Clans - Virtually - HL David Archer
      1. This could be done later to not conflict with other groups or go forward and see if we can put something together?
        1. Baron Gavine Armstrang did not see a problem with meeting socially via Zoom as this isn’t going to step on another Kingdom as doing it in person would.
          1. HL David Archer pointed out that the other Kingdoms are working to not overlap on the calendar and thought it might be nice to try and not overlap as well.
          2. Mistress Milesenda de Bourges did not think this would be an issue and we could go ahead and move on with this.
    2. Ring of Chivalry - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges will put a form out in the next month or so to make this happen. Online voting will take place at that time. Stay tuned.
  11. Adjournment
    1. Next Officer Meeting is on Zoom on June 29th, 2020
    2. There is a business meeting on Zoom on June 4th, 2020
    3. Next Business Meeting at Fashion Square Mall TBD
  12. Meeting Closed - Baron Gavine Armestrang

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