Friday, October 4, 2019

From The Coronets - October 2019

Hail and well met, oh beloved Barony of Darkwater

We've recently gotten back from Village Faire and it was so very, very, needed. With Crown Lyst having been our last event, it has been many months since we were able to spend time with our chosen family.

Instead of going through the usual routine of thank-yous, we're actually going to ask for your help for a moment - think back to the event and someone you saw working which impressed, inspired, or just plain helped you. Take a moment and go thank them - no event runs perfectly and many people end up learning their jobs at an event in a sort of "trial by fire" moment. Take the time to reach out and thank at least one person for the work they did. If you feel they've been missed for an award, go ahead and send that too - but a ton of folks have hit the point where there aren't many awards left, if any, and often a personal thank-you goes a lot further.

The subject of friends groups, what could be uncharitably called cliques, has been often on my mind of late. To be clear, I don't wholly think we're at the point of having various cliques - people want to hang out with their friends and there is nothing wrong with that. Care should be given, in any case, to how the social dynamics of our barony is handled - and especially with polling occurring next year. Again, people get to spend their time and their weekend with who they want; but we would always ask our Baronial family members to consider what choices they make "as a group" as opposed to their individual choices. 

If nothing else, remember this - we're all here for the same reasons, even if we approach it different. We love the Dream which we find here. As we often say on the lyst field - be exacting of yourself, but generous to others.

Yours in service and love to the Barony,
James and Milesenda
Baron and Baroness of Darkwater

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