Friday, October 4, 2019

Business Meeting - October 2019

Barony of Darkwater Business and Officer Meeting - October 3, 2019
Fashion Square Mall Community Room

Officers in Attendance:
Lady Ursula Blackpool - Chronicler
Lord Kylan Hundr - Constable
HL Hextilda Marshall - Seneschal
Baron Gavine Armestrang - Deputy Herald
Mistress Ilene Johnnestoune- Deputy Seneschal - Social Media Liason
Lord Thomas von Wildtstein - Webmaster
Baron James Highgate - Baron
HL Calpurnia Fortunata - Art Sci (Research and Projects)
Lady Margarita di Rossi - Chatelaine
HL Hywel ap Wyn - Knight’s Marshal
HL Ephrem Orbeli - Herald

Officers Not in Attendance:
Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol - Exchequer
Mistress Milesenda de Bourges - Baroness
HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi - Archery Marshal
Baron Bil - Quartermaster
HL Hadassah bat Josef - Chamberlain
HL Gareth Dalyngrige - Librarian
Master Clothar Bructerus - Rapier Marshal

  1. Call to order - Baron Gavine Armestrang - Deputy Herald
  2. Greeting by Seneschal -  HL Hextilda Marshall
    1. SCA local chapter description
  3. Confirm Minutes Approved Offline
    1. Motion to wave the reading of last month’s minutes by Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
    2. Seconded to pass by Ursula Blackpoole
    3. Vote passed
  4. Officers reports.
    1. Seneschal (President) HL Hextilda Marshall 
      1. Village Fair: initial review of the registration data indicates there were:
        1. 222 people registered
        2. 33  were non-members
        3. 26  were children
        4. 75 paid feast reservations plus 8 comp's according to my data, which only includes royalty (King, Prince) and Baron/esses
      2. Great job everyone. The event went well, no one noticed the hiccups that  happened. Everyone appears to have had a good time. 
        1. Question about what the hiccups were and how we fix them in the future. 
          1. People can address these of their own accord via seneschal
        2. David Archer: 
          1. People heard that Hexi got called up on court and that was an accident on the part of David with a card. 
          2. NCR forms need to be there, more than we think we should have. 
          3. Kitchen Cleanup was on the bid, but something came up, but we had people that stepped up to help.
          4. He will be talking to some people about a few of the problems we had, so we can fix things in the future. 
            1. Is there a committee or some other way that this gets covered
              1. Ilene: Offered the idea about going over Cathy’s event guide
                1. Add a line for each event person to sign saying they have read the guide and have read and know their area to cover. 
              2. Gavin: Add a required kitchen clean-up/staff clean-up area to the bid form.  
              3. Add to agenda for the next business meeting: We need to add a committee for the events and staff. 
              4. Some of the policies at Kiwanis have changed
                1. At 10 PM the gate is closed and locked. A code is needed to get on the grounds. We can get on later, but we need to let them before the event. 
                2. Cracking down on when we can come in and when we can leave. 
                3. Screened room storage room has enough blue tarps to cover the whole hall. We can use these to tarp the entire feast hall without buying the normal closure things we use. 
                4. They are looking into buying a heater of some kind for “winter” events. 
                5. They will also start the fire for us on Friday mornings before we arrive. 
      3. Events are scheduled for Trident Tourney Jan 24th -26th, Clans May 8th-10th and Village Fair on Sept 25th-27th. We still need bids on Village Fair for next year. Trident is taken care of. 
        1. Send the demos to the Kingdom Webminster/Calendar Deputy/Chronicler to get them on the calendar. 
      4. Revisit vote on Financial policy
        1. Officers, please re-read the financial policy and let Hexi know that we can either leave as is or that we need to discuss it and re-vote to it after changes are discussed and made. 
    2. Constable - Lord Kylan Hundr
      1.   Lost and found is in my house. Call me and come get it! 
        1. Computer, plates, silverware, and water bottle have all been turned in to lost and found. 
          1. Computer claimed and being returned by Baron Highgate
      2. Looking for a deputy
        1. Next Village Faire is the end of the current officer’s office
    3. Exchequer (Treasure) Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol  (Not in Attendance)
      1.    Regarding Camp Kiwanis rental:
        1. attendance has been consistently high enough to need all the spaces.
        2. Exchequer suggests renting all the buildings at every event.
        3. Exchequer suggests using Apt. G for Prince and Princess and their staff; Apt M for King and Queen and their staff; Using Infirmary for Baron and Baroness and their staff; using the East (Exchequer or Music) cabin for out of town guests or the Exchequer and her staff (esp. registration).  Note: the only non-paying persons are the Royalty and Baron/esses. The staff still pays the cabin fee.
          1. Hextilda crunched some numbers and sees the cost at 1300 dollars, but we only make 700 dollars from the beds alone. 
            1. If we use the cabins we normally use, including the infirmary: This would cost us about 50 dollars more per event. 
          2. Ilene: Based on our usage over the last several years, we don’t need all of the space. We continue with the same dorms as usual, the infirmary, and then we rent 1 apartment for the royals. This has always been used and should not be/nor needs to be changed. 
          3. Let’s look at the cabins on an event to event basis, as has been as normal.
        4. Motion to leave the process for cabins as-is: Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
          1. Seconded by: HL Calpurnia  Fortunata
          2. Motion passed based on votes 
      2. Lanterns for Gate:
        1. I suggest these, found on amazon:

        2. I would also suggest adding $15 in the exchequer budget to purchase replacement batteries in 2020. If these are approved, please give the Exchequer clearance to purchase. 
        3. If these are not approved, please limit the amount to spend on this item to under $50.00 and make it clear who will do the purchasing.
      3. The Kitchen staff has requested a purchase of an additional set of flat rectangular serving dishes in order to mitigate the need for washing between courses.  "Motion to allow the Exchequer to spend up to $250 to purchase additional flat serving dishes, after being advised by Baron Gavin and other Darkwater Feast Stewards."
      4. Village Fair attendance has been given to both the Seneschal and Event Steward for their reports.  The financial report for Village Fair awaits the pleasure of the Epay deputy and those who should turn in receipts for their activities. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
      5. The budget for 2020 will be presented at the December officers meeting.  Please feel free to contact the Exchequer during November to discuss your office's needs and expectations.
    4. Quartermaster - Baron Bil (Not in attendance)
      1.  We need to find a different container/tote for the baronial pavilion
        1. Motion to approve a 100 dollar vote: by Baron Highgate  
        2. Motion seconded by:  HL Calpurnia  Fortunata
        3. Motion passed by officer vote
    5. Art Sci (Research and Projects) -HL Calpurnia  Fortunata
      1.  Art/Sci was a great success
        1. 5 people were walk ups as well as our pre-res’d items
          1. Lot of hard arts were entered. 
      2. Classes are scheduled throughout the year
      3. No meeting for Halloween 
      4. Let her know if you want to teach
      5. Her position is up in a year, at Village Faire, and is looking for a deputy 
    6. Herald - HL Ephrem Orbeli 
      1. Just published a letter with 3 items. Expect more soon 
      2. Let him know if you have submission questions 
      3. Trident is the end of the Herald’s tenure - Gavin is taking over at that event. 
    7. Chatelaine (Retention and Recruitment) - Lady Margarita di Rossi
      1.  Astor Library Demo: Geek Fest (Little Library that Could)
        1. October 12th - 9 AM to 3 PM
        2. Astor Florida (Lake County) 
        3. Loch Gryffyn is holding this and would love more people to attend. 
      2. Shakespeare Fest - Hart Library - October 19th
        1. Lectures on Shakespeare and Fighters will be there 
      3. Lady of the Lakes: November 1st - 3rd and 9th-10th 
        1. Can use a lot of help on Kid’s Day on the first Friday. 
        2. Kid’s Day on Friday: 7-3
        3. All other days: 9-5
      4. Please let her know if you have anything you need to know or if you want to help in any way. 
    8. Marshal (Referee) - HL Hywel ap Wyn (Not in attendance)
      1.  Come out to practice and fight: We will teach you
      2. 1 year until end of office: In search of deputy
        1. You have to be a marshal to take the position/not a fighter
        2. You are in charge of loaner gear 
        3. You have to plan and attend events. 
    9. Rapier Marshal -Master Clothar Bructerus (Not in Attendance)
      1. Speaking on behalf of office: Baron James Highgate
      2.  No report at this time 
    10. Archery Marshal - HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi (Not in Attendance)
      1.  Practice for this following weekend is canceled due to Coronation 
      2. Still at ARC on first and third Sundays  
    11. Webmaster - Lord Thomas von Wildtstein 
      1. Officer’s list is back on the website 
      2. We are getting officer’s their email logins now 
    12. Chronicler - Lady Ursula Blackpool
      1.  Please let either myself or HL Ilene Johnnestoune- Deputy Seneschal know if you want anything announced on the blog or in the revelry. 
      2. If you are an officer or you see a mistake on the officer list, please let myself and the webmaster know. 
        1. You and the former holder of the office (or the seneschal for your canton) need to email both of our emails with any changes. 
      3. Blog: We need this to be a combination of social media and newspaper with things posted! 
        1. We need “reporters” to tell us what is going on.
        2. I have sent a message out to all of the offices and the guilds for reports. 
          1. Think of this as a way to keep the Barony up to date on what you are up to! 
      4. My last year has started: Come see me if you want to be the deputy
  5. Baron and Baroness: Mistress Milesenda de Bourges and Baron James Highgate 
      1. There is no such thing as a perfect event 
      2. If you are unsure of something ask a question 
      3. We have great people, that are family, and that always check in and get things done.
      4. If you agree to a job, then have to be late/can’t come, please communicate. We will make due, but we need to know. 
      5. Pending Exchequer approval: The fund for lunch at Lady of the Lakes would be paid for by our Barony and Baroness. 
  6. Cantons
    1. Loch Griffin - HL Hywel ap Wyn 
      1. Demos 
    2. Swamp Keep - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges and Baron James Highgate 
      1. Demos 
      2. Shout out to the people that came down to help with kid’s fencing by Baron Highgate  
    3. Seminole County SCA group - Cathy Abernathy
      1.  We are still working on a name, but we are working with the heralds at the moment. 
      2. We had good feedback on the lunch at Village Faire and it did make a little bit of money. 
      3. Clans for 2020: We have a theme and a bid in and would like help to put the bid in. 
        1. Gathering of the Tavern
          1. Tavern Brawls, Brewing classes, Children’s thieve’s guild, a bardic challenge, Beef Stew Contenst, Hangover Breakfast, and a roast beef/potatoes dinner, trader’s corner.
        2. If you are interested in taking a job on the bid, please let her know. 
  7. Guilds
    1. Scribal - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges
      1. Meeting October 27th at Hart Library
    2. Brewer’s Guild - Cathy Abernathy
      1.  Nothing to report  
    3. Fiber Arts - HL Ilene Johnnestoune
      1.  Meeting October 27th at Hart Library
        1. Decorating and creating a handkerchief 
      2. Working on a holiday season meeting as well.  
    4. Glassworker’s Guild - Lady Thyri Bersi 
      1.   Full table and 6-7 new lampworkers at VF
    5. Dyers Guild
      1. Nothing to report 
  8. Upcoming Events
    1.  Trident Tourney: 
      1. Format for Trident Champion (separate from the normal competition) - Point based system 
        1. Range and Heavy/Rapier
      2. Longer discussion next month - tabled due to time for next month
  9. General Business: 
    1. Gate Lamps: 
      1. See above for Gravin Eva’s example of the light 
      2. Make a motion to buy 4 lights for up to 100.00 dollars HL Ilene Johnnestoune
      3. Seconded by Lady Thyri Bersi
      4. Motion passed by officer votes
    2. Kitchen Ware - We need to get more flat serving dishes 
      1. Proposal - Review what we have, have feast crats discuss this, so we know what to get. 
    3. Meetings should be separated apart - Suggested by Ursula Blackpoole 
      1. Suggestion to do this discussion at another meeting 
      2. Can do this online not always in person 
      3. For later discussion - Can we do a longer business meeting that gives us more time to do the meetings. 
      4. Discussion tabled for future meetings. 
  10. Announcements From the Populous
    1.     Steven is putting in a bid for Spring Coronation for 2021 
      1. Idea is to make an outdoor, on open fires, feast 
        1. Motion to back up Steven on Spring Coronation by Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
        2. Seconded by HL Ephrem Orbeli
        3. Motion passed by Officer Vote
    2. Time ran out for other announcements from the populous
  11. Adjournment
    1. Next Meeting November 7, 2019
  12. Meeting Closed - HL Ephrem Orbeli

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