Friday, February 7, 2020

Populace Meeting Minutes - February 2020

Barony of Darkwater Populace Meeting - Thursday, February 6th
Fashion Square Mall Community Room

Officers in Attendance:
HL Hextilda Marshall - Seneschal
Baron Gavine Armestrang- Herald
Lady Ursula Blackpool - Chronicler
Lord Kylan Hundr - Constable
Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune- Deputy Seneschal - Social Media Liason
Lord Thomas von Wildtstein - Webmaster

Officers Not in Attendance:
HRH Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara
Baron James Highgate - Baron
Baroness Milesenda de Bourges - Baroness
Master Clothar Bructerus - Rapier Marshal
HL Gareth Dalyngrige - Librarian
HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi - Archery Marshal
HL Hadassah bat Josef - Chamberlain
HL Hywel ap Wyn - Knight’s Marshal
Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol - Exchequer
HL Calpurnia Fortunata - Art Sci (Research and Projects)
HL David Archer - Acting Quartermaster
Lady Margarita di Rossi - Chatelaine

  1. Call to order - Baron Gavine Armestrang- Herald
  2. Greeting by Seneschal - HL Hextilda Marshall
    1. SCA local chapter description
  3. Confirm Minutes Approved Offline
    1. Motion to wave the reading of last month’s minutes by Baron Gavine Armestrang
    2. Seconded to pass by Lady Ursula Blackpoole
    3. Vote passed
  4. Officers reports.
    1. Seneschal (President) HL Hextilda Marshall
      1. Kingdom is looking for bids for TMT and Coronation
        1. The Barony is not going to take those due to other obligations and the bid we have in for Spring Coronation at this time.
        2. If any households or cantons wanted to take it on, they are welcome to put in a bid
      2. Trailer
        1. We need shiny stickers from the Barony on it
          1. Hoping to keep people from stealing and ditching it due to the design
          2. Taking ideas for designs to wrap the trailer in-
            1. If you, the populace, have design ideas, please get them to Hextilda by.
            2. Baroness Ilene offered up to get in touch with Sasha
          3. We could also use a person to take over the running of this and getting things together to get it done.
            1. What all is needed to be responsible for this?
            2. Emails will go to Hextilda
            3. Work with getting the design ideas put together
      3. We are accepting bids for Village Faire.
        1. If you are interested in being on the bid, make sure you put your information and what you are interested in on the FB post on the Darkwater Populace page.
        2. Still have the Shakespeare themed bid that we are hoping to maybe use that.
    2. Constable - Lord Kylan Hundr
      1. We are getting the lost and found from Trident and will post it as soon as it arrives.
    3. Exchequer (Treasure) Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol (Not in Attendance)
      1. There will be a new deputy position under the Exchequer events.
        1. This position will be high table set- up.
          1. This person is in charge of the high table set up, decorations, table cloths at the event
          2. This person is in charge of making sure that the dishes are cleaned and the linens are laundered.
          3. If you are interested, let either Gravin Eva or Hextilda know.
          4. Gravin Eva - Please send a job listing to the Blog and Chronicler so we can post it!
    4. Quartermaster - David Archer (Acting) Not in Attendance
      1. No Report
    5. Art Sci (Research and Projects) -HL Calpurnia Fortunata - Not in Attendance
      1. There is a class list currently up through March and she has people waiting to teach now.
      2. Seminole County needs a teacher for the 18th of this month.
        1. They meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month.
        2. First is the business and the third is a class.
    6. Herald - Baron Gavine Armestrang
      1. If you want a device or name in the SCA please let him know.
    7. Chatelaine (Retention and Recruitment) - Lady Margarita di Rossi (Not in Attendance)
      1. We do have a demo in the end of March. She will talk about it more in March.
    8. Marshal (Referee) - HL Hywel ap Wyn (Not in attendance)
      1. No Report
    9. Rapier Marshal -Master Clothar Bructerus (Not in attendance)
      1. No Report.
    10. Archery Marshal - HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi (Not in attendance)
      1. No Report
    11. Thrown Weapons Marshal - No current Marshal
      1. No report
      2. Want to be the marshal? Let us know.
    12. Webmaster - Lord Thomas von Wildtstein
      1. No Report
    13. Chronicler - Lady Ursula Blackpool
      1. If you have anything you want us to post, please let us know!
      2. We do have a blog, it is linked to the FB Darkwater Populace group.
        1. We would love content!
      3. We would also love it if you signed up on FB Darkwater Populace to let us know what you would like to do at an event or on a bid for event.
  5. HRH Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara (Not in Attendance)
    1. No Report
  6. Baron and Baroness: Mistress Milesenda de Bourges and Baron James Highgate
    1. No Report
  7. Cantons
    1. Loch Griffin - HL Hywel ap Wyn
      1. Meeting on Monday in Lake County.
    2. Swamp Keep - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges and Baron James Highgate (Not in Attendance)
      1. No Report
    3. Seminole County SCA group - Cathy Abernathy
      1. We have picked the top two names and we will let the Herald’s vet the names that have been picked and see if they work. At this time Merlin’s Grove is in the lead.
      2. We have a full list of the officers needed for the Canton
      3. Starting by the end of the quarter we will have our first real officer reports to turn in.
        1. We need to 2 full two quarters of full officer reporting and then we will be a real canton again! :)
      4. If anyone is willing, they could use someone to teach a class at their meeting on the 18th.
      5. Meetings are at the American Legion in Fern Park/Casselberry.
      6. We have been talking about having a revel at the American Legion
        1. We are looking at April
        2. We would like a two-fold one.
        3. One that is for the American Legion members to come in and socialize with the group and watch what the SCA members do.
        4. We would also like to let them do burgers/brats, maybe the outside bar so they can make money if they want.
        5. We also want to do some advertising to get some of the neighborhoods around the area so they can come and be part as well.
  8. Guilds
    1. Scribal - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges
      1. Scribal is at Hart Memorial, noon to 5, this Sunday.
    2. Brewer’s Guild - Cathy Abernathy
      1. Brewing on Saturday, starting at 10 am, feel free to reach out if you want to join.
    3. Fiber Arts - Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune
      1. Joining the Scribal Arts this Sunday at Hard Library and we will be doing beginning tablet weaving
      2. The list of supplies is on the website!
    4. Glassworker’s Guild - Lady Thyri Bersi
      1. We teach how to play with fire and glass and will have a teaching day in the future and will let you know when it comes up.
      2. Baroness Ilene says you should look into glass gaming tokens.
    5. Dyers Guild
      1. No Report
    6. Performance/Bardic Guild
      1. No Report
  9. Upcoming Events
    1. Clans: pinned to discuss next month
      1. Stop in at the Bloody Bell’s Tavern and Rest Your Feet…
      2. We have a flyer ready
      3. There is a meeting on Sunday, February 9th for the Darkwater Populace to come and help
      4. We will be getting stamps on hands at the event so those going to the tavern
      5. We could use someone to do some kids activities
        1. If you are interested let the autocrat know.
  10. General Business:
    1. Trident Recap - We had 127 people on site, but we are waiting for information on price
      1. The newcomers helped to take down the Baronial pavilion
      2. Very thankful for all of the people that helped teardown and clean up
  11. Announcements From the Populous
    1. Baron Gavine Armestrang
      1. Populace vs. Officer Meeting
        1. The Officer meeting is now being done separately
          1. This meeting is open to the populace.
          2. But in the officer meeting we do a lot of debating and financial work that is officer specific so that people that aren’t officers and don’t want to listen to that type of discussion.
          3. This is done on Zoom, online, and anyone can listen in and be part of it
        2. Populace meeting
          1. Allows for more populace talk time
          2. Allows for us to spend more time explaining our roles to newcomers/non-officers
          3. Is where we fill you in on what the officers decided.
    2. Moriah - We used to have medallions/glass painted awards/tokens that came with rewards
      1. She has a friend that does laser cutting and thinks it might be nice to do wood tokens in replacement if needed.
      2. Adelheid has been making the tokens for about 20 years
        1. The new enamels are not working the same way as the ones we used prior to this.
        2. We could have different tokens - Clay, pewter, wood, glass, etc.
          1. We can open this up for anyone that has ideas and put it together for us to start making these.
          2. New member - New wood cutting laser printer at her school.
    3. Thyri speaking on behalf of their highnesses -
      1. If you are attending Three Ships or an upcoming event in North Carolina.
      2. They are also planning to attend Gulf Wars, and Pennsic
      3. I have passed on that there is a page on FB for anyone that can do some crafting of paper flowers that are representative of the place they are from
        1. Needed in great abundance
        2. Any type of flower you want, made of whatever you want, etc.
  12. Adjournment
    1. Next Officer Meeting is Monday, March 2nd, 2020 via online
    2. Next Business Meeting Thursday, March 5th, 2020 at Mall
  13. Meeting Closed - Baron Gavine Armestrang

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