Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Announcement - Society Job Openings

Following are recent job postings at the Society level.

SCA Social Media Officer

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) has had different media channels for decades as the club has grown and changed. We want to continue to provide a consistent form of communication while pushing forward with new methods and channels.
As Society Social Media Officer, you will be working with the SCA Communications Team, consisting of the SCA Communications Officer and SCA President, while managing the Kingdom Social Media Officers, dedicated to distributing announcements, creating content and moderating the social media channels that the SCA uses.

Job Duties:
  • Develop, create and distribute Social Media content across the SCA Social media Channels.
  • Coordinate communication and support current SCA Social Media channels with the SCA Social Media Team
  • Update the SCA on the latest Social media platforms and trends
  • Moderate and coordinate SCA policies across official platforms with SCA Social Media Team
  • Regularly collaborate with Society Officers for Known World Events and Social Media Announcements
  • Create and gather exciting content from across the Known World to distribute on social media channels
  • Work closely with all Kingdom Social Media Officers to ensure all our Social media platform content follows Social Media Policies.
  • Develop, create and maintain new innovative improvements with the advancements of the internet and social media to the existing policies of the SCA Social Media as needed.
Job Requirements:
  • Experience with social media management and social media marketing efforts.
  • Knowledge of SCA Corpora and Kingdom Cultures
  • Ability to effectively communicate with cross-functional teams
  • Availability at odd hours and plugged into social media
  • Occasional travel

Further information can be found here: https://www.sca.org/about/positions/social-media/
Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, together with modern and SCA qualifications, hardcopy to:
Renee Signorotti
Society for Creative Anachronism
P.O. Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036-0789

with courtesy copies to resumes@sca.org. The deadline for applications is April 1, 2020.

SCA Laurel Sovereign of Arms

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is seeking candidates for the position of Laurel Principal Sovereign of Arms (Laurel).
Laurel is the principal heraldic officer of the Society and the head of the College of Arms and is responsible for fostering the study and practice of heraldry, supervising the processing of submissions, and overseeing the heraldic activities of the Known World.
Laurel is an unpaid position, currently requiring approximately 20 hours a week. The position requires considerable tact and patience, armory and onomastic knowledge, supervisory ability, the ability to work within tight deadlines and coordinate closely with Wreath, Pelican, and other staff to produce a Laurel Letter of Acceptance and Return monthly, computer literacy and word processing skills, reliable e-mail and telephone access, and time and ability to travel.

A more detailed position description can be found here: https://www.sca.org/about/positions/laurel/
Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, together with modern and SCA qualifications, hardcopy to:
Renee Signorotti
Society for Creative Anachronism
Box 360789
Milpitas CA 95036-0789

with courtesy copies to resumes@sca.org. The deadline for applications is May 1, 2020.

SCA Society Marshal

Applications for the position of Society Marshal are now being accepted. The position entails administrating the marshallate activities of the Society and coordinating the activities of the kingdom Earl Marshals. Reports are required to be filed quarterly to the Board summarizing the martial activities of the Society and of each kingdom. The Society Marshal is also responsible for holding meetings to communicate with the kingdom Earl Marshals.
The successful candidate must be well versed in administrative techniques, problem-solving, and interpersonal communications. Knowledge of marshallate policy, rules, and procedures are essential. The ability to travel is necessary, as well as having a telephone and e-mail. Knowledge of the traditions and history of the Society is required.

A more detailed position description can be found here: https://www.sca.org/about/positions/marshal/
Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, together with modern and SCA qualifications, hardcopy to:
Renee Signorotti
Society for Creative Anachronism
P.O. Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036-0789

with courtesy copies to resumes@sca.org. The deadline for applications is April 1, 2020.

Regarding all three openings:

Comments are strongly encouraged and can be sent to:
SCA Inc.
Box 360789
Milpitas, CA 95036

You may also email comments@lists.sca.org.

This announcement is an official informational release by the Society for Creative Anachronism , Inc. Permission is granted to reproduce this announcement in its entirety in newsletters, websites and electronic mailing lists.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Announcement - Baronial Nominations

From the Baronial Seneschal:

Greetings all. We have come to the time in our wonderful Baron and Baroness's reign where they are feeling the urge, dare I say need, to have heirs. On this day I am putting out a call to all who would desire to help secure the safety of our Barony.  If you have a desire to become the heirs to our wonderful Excellencies, please send me a letter of intent to seneschal@baronyofdarkwater.org before the 29th of February 2020 (no that is not a joke this is leap year). I will be gathering the letters and then proceeding from there with Sir Theron Andronikos (the kingdom seneschal) guiding the way.

HL Hextilda Marshall

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Business Meeting - December 2019

Barony of Darkwater Business and Officer Meeting - December 5, 2019
Fashion Square Mall Community Room

Officers in Attendance:
Lady Ursula Blackpool - Chronicler
Lord Kylan Hundr - Constable
HL Hextilda Marshall - Seneschal
Baron Gavine Armestrang - Deputy Herald
Mistress Ilene Johnnestoune- Deputy Seneschal - Social Media Liason
Baron James Highgate - Baron
Baroness Calpurnia Fortunata - Art Sci (Research and Projects)
HL Ephrem Orbeli - Herald
Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol - Exchequer
HL Thomas von Wildtstein - Webmaster
Lady Margarita di Rossi - Chatelaine

Officers Not in Attendance:
Knight’s Marshal - HL Hywel ap Wyn
Baroness - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges
Archery Marshal - HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi
Quartermaster - Baron Bil
Chamberlain - HL Hadassah bat Josef
Librarian - HL Gareth Dalyngrige
Rapier Marshal - Master Clothar Bructerus

  1. Call to order - HL Ephrem Orbeli - Herald
  2. Greeting by Seneschal - HL Hextilda Marshall
    1. SCA local chapter description
  3. Confirm Minutes Approved Offline
    1. Motion to wave the reading of last month’s minutes by Baroness Calpurnia Fortunata
    2. Seconded to pass by HL Ephrem Orbeli
    3. Vote passed
  4. Officers reports.
    1. Seneschal (President) HL Hextilda Marshall
      1. Trailer: Info found to share
      2. Trailer we have was a 6x12 (prior to theft)
        1. Do we need a certain size
          1. Technical aspects: Weight/State law/Capacity all have to be taken into account
            1. Any vehicle over 3500 pounds needs to have breaks.
            2. 1800 lbs of stuff can fit in one under 4000 pounds on a single axle
            3. 7000 pounds/capacity 5000 pounds/for 2 axle. Needs breaks
          2. Diamond Cargo 7x12 single axle = $3095 (handout)
          3. 7x12 single axle = $2675
          4. 6x12 Single axle = $2795
          5. We are looking at a single axle currently to help with need to have breaks/etc.
          6. Security options can cost up to 400 dollars more
          7. Insurance is out there for these and we can look into that
        2. Suggestion: Can we fill a Uhaul, fill it, and weigh it? Or use Bill’s trailer for a final moment just to scale it and get weight done?
        3. Baron Gavine Armestrang is planning to ask Baron Bill
        4. Is there a time restraint? If not we can just make a decision and get a trailer
          1. Motion on the floor from Baron James Highgate: We go with the 6x12, $2799.00 dollar trailer from the Diamond Company with LED light package and thermocool liner.
          2. Motion seconded by Lady Ursula Blackpoole
          3. Motion passed by Officers
          4. Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol abstained
        5. Security features on the trailer include 4 different kinds:
          1. Tire Boot: Secures wheel
            1. 2 kinds of this. Giant yellow one or one that goes through the wheel and locks around the trailer’s suspension with a lock against the wheel.
          2. Tongue Lock -
            1. From Proven Industry - Shackle goes over the entire tongue of the trailer and into the receiver. Then has a padlock that has a hidden shackle that you cannot get off of it.
            2. Locks on actual doors:
            3. Trailer Coupler Latch Lock
            4. Motion on the floor to purchase the locks for price needed as long as total price stays under the originally voted on $3500.00 by Baron Gavine Armestrang
            5. Seconded by Lady Ursula Blackpoole
            6. Motion passed by officers
            7. Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol abstained
      3. How many officers can be here for a January 2nd meeting?
        1. This meeting is cancelled for the holidays
    2. Constable - Lord Kylan HundrLost and found is in my house. Call me and come get it!
      1. Looking for a deputy
      2. Ursula Blackpoole is currently my deputy for the Constable Office
    3. Exchequer (Treasure) Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol
      1. We have about 8000 dollars in the bank account that are unallocated and can be used.
      2. Village Faire - Net Gain is $2,564.19
      3. Thank you to the Webminister for posting updated Financial Guidelines on Baronial Website.
      4. Serving Gear: Baron Gavin and Gravin Eva did an inventory.
        1. Motion by Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol abstained
        2. : To approve 545.83 to replace broken/missing pieces & to upgrade total # to include service for high table:
          1. Seconded by Lady Ursula Blackpoole
          2. Motion Passed by the officers
        3. Motion by Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol abstained: To approve $104.70 to purchase two additional sets of platters for serving gear
          1. Seconded by Baroness Calpurnia Fortunata
          2. Motion Passed by the officers
      5. Budget: for 2020
        1. Budget for 2019 was 8,121.00 dollars
        2. Budget reduced for 2020 to 6,016.00 dollars due to unused or no longer needed funds.
        3. Motion by Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol to approve the 2020 Budget
          1. Seconded by: HL Ephrem Orbeli
          2. Motion passed by officers
    4. Quartermaster - David Archer (Acting)
      1. No Report
    5. Art Sci (Research and Projects) -Baroness Calpurnia Fortunata
      1. Next weekend is the White Elephant Gift Exchange
        1. Be here by 7 to participate
        2. Needs to be in a gift bag
      2. Classes for the new year would be needed and will be fun!
    6. Herald - HL Ephrem Orbeli
      1. I am here and ready to help you register names or devices in Society.
    7. Chatelaine (Retention and Recruitment) - Lady Margarita di Rossi
      1. ORF Demo tomorrow - be there at 8 am goes to 5 (cleanup to 6)
        1. Day shades are set up and one table is there
        2. Please bring chairs and tables with you if you are volunteering
      2. Search for table in place, if not we can re-approach this to see about getting new tables.
    8. Marshal (Referee) - HL Hywel ap Wyn (Not in attendance)
      1. No Report
    9. Rapier Marshal -Master Clothar Bructerus (Not in Attendance)
      1. No Report
    10. Archery Marshal - HL Toki inn Eldri Bassi (Not in Attendance)
      1. 12 people have been on the line and we are growing
      2. New equipment needs to be purchased soon
    11. Webmaster - HL Thomas von Wildtstein
      1. Everything is in text format on the website and even the chamberlain is currently updated as of tonight’s meeting!
    12. Chronicler - Lady Ursula Blackpool
      1. Please let either myself or Mistress Ilene Johnnestoune- Deputy Seneschal know if you want anything announced on the blog or in the revelry.
      2. If you are an officer or you see a mistake on the officer list, please let myself and the webmaster know.
      3. You and the former holder of the office (or the seneschal for your canton) need to email both of our emails with any changes.
      4. My last year has started: LeAnn Retzlaff has asked to be my deputy!
      5. Anyone can submit to the blog - have pictures or something to say - please let her know.
  5. HRH Islay Elspeth of Glen Meara
    1. We are being asked to host the Known World Party at Gulf Wars
      1. Escape room / Mythology party theme
      2. We are going to start a FB page and we can get you involved if you talk to Melissa
  6. Baron and Baroness: Mistress Milesenda de Bourges and Master James Highgate
    1. Please come get the stuff out of my car
    2. New Darkwater t-shirts - 1 for $15.00 or 2 for $25.00
      1. We currently have 50 sold of the preorder 75 - We will up this to 100.
    3. Holiday gift party - Please bring something you would want to bring home.
    4. We have contacted the Highnesses and the Seneschal to work on polling for the new Baron and Baroness voting is ready.
    5. To talk about next month (PIN IN IT): Do we want to do a quarterly meeting for officers.
  7. Cantons
    1. Loch Griffin - HL Hywel ap Wyn (Not present)
      1. No Report
      2. Could use officers for all cantons - From Baronial Seneschal
    2. Swamp Keep - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges and Master James Highgate
      1. No Report
    3. Seminole County SCA group - Mistress Cathy Abernathy (Not Present)
      1. They are back in the American Legion Posts
      2. Please support them!
  8. Guilds
    1. Scribal - Mistress Milesenda de Bourges
      1. Scribal will be at ORF this Sunday - Bring your stuff. It will go from 10 to 5
    2. Brewer’s Guild - Mistress Cathy Abernathy
      1. Not present
    3. Fiber Arts - Baroness Ilene Johnnestoune
      1. No business
    4. Glassworker’s Guild - Lady Thyri Bersi
      1. Non SCA bead day - Concern: can this be done outside of the SCA
      2. Do I need insurance for Bead Days throughout the Barony or for any other Bead Days?
      3. Gravin Eva will investigate and let people know.
    5. Dyers Guild
      1. Not present
  9. Upcoming Events
    1. Trident Tourney: Lord Makoto
      1. Autocrat - Event plans are going smoothly
      2. Want to teach classes? Please see him.
      3. Flyer will be officially out this weekend for the event.
      4. Motion for $200.00 worth of firewood by
        1. Seconded by James Highgate
        2. Motion passed by officer
  10. General Business:
    1. Come to James Highgate’s Car
  11. Announcements From the Populous
    1. No Messages
  12. Adjournment
    1. Next Meeting January 9, 2019
  13. Meeting Closed - HL Ephrem Orbeli

Baron & Baroness Letter - December 2019

Well met unto all of our beloved Barony!

This December marks the end of our third year and as we move forwards to Trident Tourney it is with a mixed heart. On one hand, we eagerly look forwards to Trident and the wonderful work the staff and Event Steward have put in. On the other hand, it signifies the beginning of the end of our term as it will be our final year bearing the honor and privilege of being the Coronet of Darkwatrer.

We have reached out to the Kingdom Seneschal to make sure he is aware that polling needs to happen and generally that should occur at Clans. This lets us use Village Faire as a shadow event with the new Tanist and Tanista so that they can have the best foot forward when it comes to Trident of 2021.

We've heard of a number of people intending to run; some with solid partners, some who are still looking for a partner to run with. We would like to ask all the people who are considering running one thing - what will you do to bring the Barony together? In all reality, the Coronet holds no power in our club outside of what respect is given to it by dint of those people who believe in us fortunate enough to wear that coronet. As we get into the letter process and the Q&A nights, we would ask you to consider what is it that highlights best who you are, and who you will be, as a Baronial Couple.

We are fortunate indeed to have such an active population that numerous couples are looking at running and we're certain that whomever is appointed with have the full support of the Barony. If you will pardon some advice - if you are thinking of running, reach out to those others who plan to run as well. Encourage each other. Support each other. The Barony is made of it's people, not it's Coronets, and at the end of the day we're all the chosen family we call Darkwater.

In service, love, and light,
James and Milesenda
Baron and Baroness of Darkwater

Help Wanted - December 2019-January 2020

We are looking for gentles to fill the following positions within the Barony, as of December 2019 / January 2020.

Position:  Quartermaster 
The posting is open for volunteers until January 20, 2020. The position will be filled at Trident 2020.
Note: The current Acting Quartermaster is David Archer.

Term: 2 years
  • SCA membership for the length of the office
  • Adult over 18 with a drivers license
  • Maintain an inventory of items belonging to the Barony
  • Maintain the items in good condition, including arranging for cleaning and repairs.
  • Monitor items are stored properly.
  • Make items as accessible as possible to the Baronial officers, Event Stewards, Food Persons, for events and demos as requested
  • Maintain the Baronial trailer in good repair. This includes any registration paperwork.
Contact: Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol - Barony of Darkwater Exchequer - exchequer@baronyofdarkwater.org


Position: Deputy Marshal
We are looking for a Deputy Marshal for the barony.

Term:  2 years
  • Heavy weapons marshal authorized, ACM in the Marshal Authorizations section.
  • Your authorization card is current.
  • Are a paid member of the SCA.
  • Attending the Darkwater fighter practices Wednesday and Sunday
  • Ensuring the safety of all participating at practice
  • Ensuring necessary paperwork is filled out for all participants
  • Reporting quarterly updates to the Barony Marshal
Contact: HL Hywel ap Wyn - Baronial Marshal - marshal@baronyofdarkwater.org


Position:  Seneschal for Canton of Swampkeype
The canton is looking for a deputy seneschal, with interest in eventually taking the position.

For details please contact the current seneschal:  Honorable Lady Sorscha tre Abhainn